Epiphany is a wonderful thing. I have felt disconnected from a lot of my work for a while, probably a result of having so much trouble with my last portrait in yellow. So a couple of days ago I was looking through photographs trying to find inspiration for a new piece. I was coming up with nothing.
And then it hit me. I have a camera. Equipment. Me. Isn’t that enough?
So I set up one of the wonderful lights that I bought for photographing my work and starting taking digital pictures of myself. I turned off the flash & used one of my black design walls as a background. Well, it wasn’t working — so I moved all of the equipment to my closet (no windows) and closed the door. The only light was from my lightstand. I used my husband’s dark suits as the background. And I experimented with moving the light and taking shots of my profile (by the way, one side is better than the other). I finally took one that I knew would work — and then used it as the basis for a simplified drawing. Simple because I knew at that point that I was going to make this many times in different colors.
What I have been doing in color portraits has been experimenting with how color affects the face. I have also been reading Deidre Sherer’s book and wondering at how textured fabrics affect the face. The result of this is an experiment in color and texture and the human form multiplied out many times.
Now that I have done all of the basic colors, I’m thinking of inverting them — even mixing them up.
Did I mention that I’m moving next week?
I am desperately trying to make this quilt top knowing that my time in limited and that very soon, I will have no time to work on it. But it has felt wonderful to have my creative soul back.