Posts tagged banksy

0I have been in a mad dash to finish my latest piece and hope to be in the final stages this week — but I did find time to tweet quite a bit. If you want to follow me in real time, I’m @vsgreaves — or hit the icon in the upper right above the menu. A link for my Facebook Page is there too.
In preparation for tax day, Hyperallergic shares a list of countries with far more progressive tax systems for artists than the US.
“Tax Tips for Artists” Just finished filing my taxes — it’s a shame I don’t live in a more forward thinking country.
You just have to see this to believe it. Someone took an old typewriter and replaced the keys with pigments.
A typewriter that paints — I want one. @lostateminor
Yet another Banksy siting — this one on the wall of a youth club in Banksy’s hometown in the UK. Unfortunately, the owners have moved the artwork and plan to profit on the piece — Banksy’s intentions unknown.
RT @mymodernmet: Update on Mobile Lovers: Man who removed Banksy artwork says he has been issued with death threats
I appreciate a good argument for the gray areas of life — and this article looks at the different sides of photojournalism: Is it art? Is it right to profit from the sale of pictures that you take as a photojournalist, or does that mean that you’re profiting from exploiting your subjects for money?
“The art of photojournalism – Art – How To Spend It” Is documentary photography art & is it moral to sell it for big$
This is another gray area of life. As a Christian, I have my own points of view. I’ll let you review the article to develop your own opinions.
“Sculpture of Homeless Jesus Sparks Controversy” how art fits into the larger scheme of religious org’s &at what cost
Beyond the pain of seeing the death of yet another brick and mortar bookstore, is it right to hasten the demise of a business in an architecturally historic building in order to tear it down for big money modern condos?
“The Last Gasps of Rizzoli Bookstore” “greed=the destruction of our architectural heritage”
I retweeted this graphic as a reminder of recommended sizes for Facebook pics (banners, profile pics, album uploads, etc.).
RT @abstanfield: All Facebook Image Dimensions: Timeline, Posts, Ads [Infographic] – Jon Loomer Digital
As a non-MFA artist, I would (of course) argue that art schools are not necessarily to best way to learn.
RT @ArtsyShark: Are Art Schools the best way to learn?
100 Years of Solitude is one of my favorite books. When I heard of the death of the author this week, I realized that I have missed out on all of his other works (although I’m fairly certain I’ve also read Love in the Time of Cholera).
“Gabriel García Márquez, Conjurer of Literary Magic, Dies at 87” author of 100 Yrs of Solitude
My mom, who is an impressionist painter, and I have talked many times over the years about the problems with donating your artwork. This blog post by Kate Vrijmoet covers all the reasons why it isn’t a good idea.
RT @abstanfield: The broader economic implications of donating your art via @katevrijmoet
I’ve seen work by this Russian photographer before — the pictures that she takes of her children are truly special.
Elena Shumilova – Russian Mother Takes Amazing Portraits of Her Two Kids with Animals

0This is a bad evening. I’m doing taxes. I just found out that — if you, as an artist, have hobby expenses over hobby income, then none of your hobby income is reported. However, if your hobby income is a dollar over hobby expenses — the ENTIRE AMOUNT of income is taxable — and it isn’t directly offset by hobby expenses. Hobby expenses are itemized deductions. I have a degree in accounting — and I am baffled by this. It is probably one of the most unfair things I have ever seen — although I always knew in tax class that the right answer was always the one that’s the most unfair to the taxpayer. I’m just so completely overwhelmed with what this says about our treatment of the arts in our society. I don’t make enough income to qualify as a business — but they’re going to penalize me for making anything. I feel like I’ve dropped into a hole — a doughnut — where I am penalized just for existing at all because I’m no longer in the red — but nor am I enough in the black.
That said, I give you my weekly Twitter summary — with little commentary. You can follow me in real time @vsgreaves — or check out the social media icons in the upper right above the menu.
RT @EliaLocardi: “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” – Pablo Picasso #inspiration
RT @ArtsyShark: Make Your Own Luck –
RT @ArtsyShark: What Makes Art Remarkable? –
RT @FortheCreators: How to Find the Joy in Your Creative Work Every Single Day
RT @abstanfield: Who’s Buying What? 10 Surprising Facts survey of super-rich collectors via @artnet
@vsgreaves: “New Video Series Humorously Probes Art’s Corruption” Finding art in the art world — good questions.
@vsgreaves: “Banksy Vandalism Drama Alert!” Banksy always begs the question — what is vandalism? #Banksy
@vsgreaves: “Woman of Mystery: Finding Vivian Maier” Who was this wonderful photographer — completely unknown until her death?
RT @abstanfield: “Hans Ulrich Obrist: the art of curation” Curation is it’s own skill set.

0Another busy holiday week full of family and no studio time. Tomorrow we have one last day of vacation and then hopefully I can go back to the family portrait I’ve been working on.
Not a lot to share this week – just a few articles from the few moments I was able to read.
This article is a nice summation of what Banksy brings to the art scene. Love him or hate him, the man knows how to create discussion around art:
“The Vilification of Banksy’s Success”
No matter what goes on in life, the only constant in life is ART!
“The Only Constant in Life …”
Another engaging discussion from Edward Winkleman regarding what it takes to be considered a legitimate COLLECTOR of art and why you would want to do that:
“To Earn That Uppercase “C”” … ensuring that the best art of our generation is preserved for posterity.
OK — this one has no good reason to be here other than it’s entertaining. Given the wretched cold conditions attacking North America, Canada is currently on the same level as Mars in terms of weather. How does that interact with boiling water in a SuperSoaker?
Watch what happens when you use a SuperSoaker on a -42°F day

0Although the week of Christmas did not result in any studio time, I was able to extract some time to read. I found several hot topics that I found interesting and wanted to share.
As always, if you’d like to follow my live Twitter feed, I’m at @vsgreaves — or click the Twitter icon in the upper right hand corner above the menu.
Is anyone making a substantial living with their art? I once took a watercolor class from Wayne Spradley, one of the few artists I’ve ever personally met that made a living wage with their work. He has work in the collections of most of the living US presidents. But there are a few that make a substantial amount more than the rest of us:
List of Wealthiest Living Artists in the World 2013 – Artpromotivate via @ArtProMotivate
Luke Haynes is a young male quilter that I met online through a mutual friend. It was a big deal when news of his New York exhibit had a review in the New York Times. I’m thrilled for him and the textile community to have some recognition:
#lukehaynes in the NYT! Memories, Stitched Together, for Gallery Walls
And in case he wasn’t already basking in the glow of publicity, Luke also had an article published about him in LA Weekly:
#lukehaynes in LA weekly! How to Be an Avant-Garde Professional Quilter
I was newly introduced to Edward Winkleman’s blog. He’s an engaging writer and his article about having the freedom to fail as a necessary component of creativity doesn’t disappoint. “Failure is simply part of the process.”
“The Need for Affordable Failure”
“… success is momentary.” “You are not experiencing failure … You are experiencing life.” Another refreshing perspective on winning and losing in the art world:
It is what it is. The majority of artists — no matter where they are at financially within the art world — will… via @BrianSherwinArt
This one was just too funny to not include. Especially working in textiles, I have heard some outrageous comments (the worst probably being a reference to one of my pieces being a placemat — thankfully it sold for a pretty penny so I didn’t spend much time invested in that negativity). It’s always hard to know what to say in return.
18 Things That Artists Hate to Hear – Artpromotivate via @ArtProMotivate
I continue to have a fascination with Banksy and this article of his quotes and pics of his work was interesting. Is his work vandalism or art? “You can win the rat race but you’re still a rat.”
Banksy Street Artist – Amazing Graffiti Art and Quotes – Artpromotivate via @ArtProMotivate

0This has been a dreadful week. Last week, I tried to update my blog — and found out that although I have kept my WordPress site up to date — my hosting service has kept me on an extremely outdated Legacy server. It’s a reminder of how old my website is. They never upgraded it to new technology — according to them, because I never asked. Well I will now. I will make an annual appointment to call them and discuss the server administration of my website. It was hurtful to see the website crash because of server overload — that shouldn’t be an issue anymore.
I’m glossing over the painful specifics of dealing with GoDaddy. Now that the hard part is over, I will consider whether or not to continue that relationship in light of the past week. Although the website was view-able most of the week — I was unable to make any additions or changes. Not only do I have my final Houston notes to share, I have sold two pieces — The Bowl Judgments and Firecracker. I have also started a new piece.
But I digress. This post is about my weekly tweets. Please note that you would prefer to follow my tweets in real time, I can be reached at @vsgreaves — or through clicking the Twitter icon in the upper right hand side of the screen just above the menu.
This is a great photo of some street art in Tel Aviv:
Street Art Picture On Building in Tel Aviv: National Geographic
This is a wonderful project a woman created for making wheelchair artwork for Alzheimer’s patients:
Regina B Dunn: A Remarkable Project
Alleged Design Pirate Cody Foster Is Only Sorry They Were Caught By @drcrypt via @FastCoDesign
“How to Build An Art Business While Working a Day Job” something I’m currently learning how to do
I have really missed Banksy since his monthlong residency in NY ended — he brought such an immediate discussion of art into the mainstream:
“A Look at the Social Media Impact of #BanksyNY Residency”
Creativity is a drug I cannot live without ~Cecil B. DeMille retweet @ArtsyShark
If you’re trying to find my website – the server is overloaded & the technical fix will take a couple of days. Hope to have it back up ASAP.
Thread sculptures (too cool not to share) #amandamaccouver #thetextileblog
This is an amazing illusionary piece:
“Resurrecting an Illusion: Last Surviving Daguerre Diorama Restored”
Last week, Hyperallergic had an article about the top 10 most famous artists as defined by famous artists, curators, & collectors. I couldn’t help but wonder about the artists that didn’t make the list — specifically a watercolorist I know who has been personally collected by several living past US Presidents — which made me wonder about the effect of US Presidents on the art world. This is an older article but still fascinating — I had no idea that the permanent collection of the White House almost never collects the work of living artists:
A 2009 article about presidential art acquisitions & how they affect the art world:
Let’s put things in perspective:
Artwork prices vs. baseball contracts:

1It’s time for my weekly TWEEK! twitter round-up.
If you’d rather follow me in real time on Twitter, find me @vsgreaves or use the Twitter icon just above the menu on the right hand side.
I’ve become quite a Banksy fan during his visit to Brooklyn this past month. It’s hard to believe that it’s come to a close — but it’s been great fun seeing the excitement that he’s created, the way he’s inspired conversations on art in that community (and online) — and let’s face it, “everyone loves a rebel Harry.”
TWEET: “Coney Island’s Banksy Robot, Busy Weekend in Brooklyn [UPDATE 2]”
TWEET: “Banksy’s New Work Reflects on Banality of Evil, Benefits Charity [UPDATE 2]”
TWEET: “Banksy Creates a Bronx Zoo, Invader Invades NYC, Awesome Banksy GIFs”
Can you believe that someone hid 1,500 works of art in their walls in Munich? And that the father of the current owner did this under the auspices of the Nazis?
TWEET: “1,500 Works of Nazi-Looted Art Discovered in Munich”
TWEET: “Don’t Give It Away for Free!” Response to NYT article “Slaves of the Internet Unite!”
This is just plain interesting — taking famous portrait paintings and staging them with real actors for photography:
We like to think that large corporations don’t steal ideas from independent artists, but unfortunately it happens more than we care to realize:
TWEET: Urban Outfitters steals from independent artist — not cool!
I find it fascinating that an artist goes into public spaces and creates in promptu thread sketches with her sewing machine. Even better, she’s done it in a Chinese factory where they make shoes by hand.
TWEET: Traveling Textile Performance Artist:
Sometimes I come across an artist whose work just has to be shared:
TWEET: Intricately Detailed Murals of Animals Living in Harmony – My Modern Metropolis via @mymodernmet
TWEET: Why creative people sometimes make no sense:
One of my sources for finding great articles to share is the RSS reader Feedly. It’s currently down on Saturday, the night I like to catch up on what is going on in the art world.
TWEET: Feedly is down. It’s Saturday night. What do I do now? #Feedly #signofareader
Knowing Feedly was down and watching all of the angry tweets arising out of the chaos, I went in search of why and found this explanation.
TWEET: The tyranny of Google+ continues! Now #Feedly requires it to log in… but they’re already backing down.
0Most of my week was spent twittering my adventures in Houston — and I didn’t spend a lot of time finding articles to share. I do have a few of them though that I’ll share here. I’ll save my Houston timeline for a separate blog post.
Remember, if you want to follow my Twittering — which isn’t usually as prolific as it was this week — you can either click on the Twitter icon in the upper right just above the menu or search for @vsgreaves.
“Banksy’s New Piece Is Waiting at a Strip Club for Love” : my fascination with Banksy continues #banksy This is a really cool piece — a man with a hat leaning against the wall. It was painted on a rolling garage door though so I suspect that the owners will take it down soon.
“Banksy’s Growing NYPD Problem [UPDATE 2]” : Get #Banksy !! New York has strict laws against tagging — and they’re hot on Banksy’s trail trying to bring him to justice. (There’s a part of me that gets a thrill from defying authority — go Banksy!)
“If You Spray It, They Will Come …” #banksy #whatisart …
Slaves of the Internet, Unite! This is about how artists — writers, musicians, painters — all of us creatives — are often asked to produce work for free.
Great article on negotiating the art world:
That’s it for this week! I didn’t have a lot of time to read — but I suspect I’ll make up for it in the coming days. Next week’s Tweek! promises to be extra long.