Dolce Far Niente

May 2014
24 x 15

Dolce Far NienteWhen I first watched the movie “Eat, Pray, Love’ — I was introduced to “dolce far niente” — which in Italian means the sweetness of doing nothing. It’s an invitation to take a deep breath and enjoy life as it comes to you. Being a foodie, I realize that sometimes the best meals in life are simple — a fresh croissant, a boiled egg, fruit and cheese. Dress it up with crystal and silver and you have a sweet dish with little effort — the perfect accompaniment to enjoy doing nothing.

International Quilt Festival/Houston: What’s for Dinner?, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX October/November 2014

Fierce Fibers, The Art Place, Marietta, GA September 2016

Dolce Far Niente close up