It’s All In The Cards 2013
A couple of years ago, I started helping my friend Rebecca Reasons Edwards curate an annual show at The Art Place in Marietta, GA. This year’s show opened last Thursday night.
We asked the artists to make a piece 24″ x 36″ using a playing card as inspiration. Our artists came from the group Fiber Art Fusion and some invitational artists.
Curating is a funny thing. When a show isn’t juried, not all of the artists follow the rules — in fact, most of them don’t. Sadly, some artists hold the curators responsible. In the end, we had a responsibility to fill the gallery walls. Not everything fit the theme and not everyone followed the size restrictions. In the end, I still think that the show hangs well and shows how fiber art is progressing in North Atlanta.
Here is my co-curator Rebecca in front of her wonderful Cubist piece.
Sharon, on the left, made this wonderful piece, thread-painted and mounted on paper and canvas. Diane Shultheiss stands to her right.
This is my piece, Jacks are Wild, next to Susan Big’s piece I Felt Happy.
Debbie Smith made this whimsical piece.
Maggie Gershon from SEFAA joined us for the show and created this silk piece based on the Joker’s Wild card.
We managed to convince our old friend Heidi Miracle to make this marvelous (and HUGE) piece for the Queen of Hearts. She looked lovely in the center of our back wall. Heidi used to make more textile pieces but now concentrates mostly on paintings.
She also made this smaller piece we put in one of our niches.
Hellenne contributed this luminous piece created from silk. The colors in this are truly amazing — I don’t know that my camera was up to the task of truly capturing its magical sense of light.
And finally, Hellenne also contributed this silk piece with trapunto and hand stitching.
This is only a sampling of the wonderful pieces hanging. The exhibit will be available to the public at The Art Place through October 3rd. Then the majority of the collection will be available for viewing at the SEFAA Center October 8 – 26 with a reception October 10 10am-2pm.