twitter.jpgIt’s time for my weekly Tweek! You can follow me directly on Twitter @vsgreaves — or use the Twitter icon above right above the menu.

I don’t tell you what I’m eating — or what I’m doing (unless it’s really exciting) — I mainly post about what’s going on in the art world and what I think other Creatives would find interesting.

Groundbreaking — the US congressional copyright office is reconsidering “droit de suite” which would give artists a cut on re-sales of their work:
Copyright Office Calls for Congress to Reconsider Royalties for Artists 

As an artist, it’s time to review your year — and prepare for the next:
Your Year-End Review for 2013  via @artbizblog

“No-one goes to bed at night and dreams of quality” — better to sell dreams:
Sell the Dream: Customers Want the Dream More Than the Product  via @feedly

Expensive cities are killing creativity  via @AJEnglish

“What Big Tech Knows About Art and You Don’t” 

“Tina Seelig: The 6 Characteristics of Truly Creative People”-Truly creative people “are quilt makers” ❤️ 

This is about Russian photographer Leonid Tishkov who bought a light up moon and traveled the world with it taking the most fascinating pictures along the way:
“The Man Who Ran Away With the Moon” 

“You Were Born to Sell: Dismantling the Myths of Self-Promotion” – selling & serving 

“The Year of Rain and Cronuts” – the difference between art museums and amusement parks 

Why is everyone surprised that Warhol or Farrah gave Ryan a painting of Farrah? And I find it confusing that the university that was bequeathed Farrah’s collection assumed that this particular piece should have been included. I suppose we are talking about a Warhol:
Ryan O’Neal allowed to keep Warhol portrait of Farrah Fawcett  via @reuters