Posts tagged books

0I have been in a mad dash to finish my latest piece and hope to be in the final stages this week — but I did find time to tweet quite a bit. If you want to follow me in real time, I’m @vsgreaves — or hit the icon in the upper right above the menu. A link for my Facebook Page is there too.
In preparation for tax day, Hyperallergic shares a list of countries with far more progressive tax systems for artists than the US.
“Tax Tips for Artists” Just finished filing my taxes — it’s a shame I don’t live in a more forward thinking country.
You just have to see this to believe it. Someone took an old typewriter and replaced the keys with pigments.
A typewriter that paints — I want one. @lostateminor
Yet another Banksy siting — this one on the wall of a youth club in Banksy’s hometown in the UK. Unfortunately, the owners have moved the artwork and plan to profit on the piece — Banksy’s intentions unknown.
RT @mymodernmet: Update on Mobile Lovers: Man who removed Banksy artwork says he has been issued with death threats
I appreciate a good argument for the gray areas of life — and this article looks at the different sides of photojournalism: Is it art? Is it right to profit from the sale of pictures that you take as a photojournalist, or does that mean that you’re profiting from exploiting your subjects for money?
“The art of photojournalism – Art – How To Spend It” Is documentary photography art & is it moral to sell it for big$
This is another gray area of life. As a Christian, I have my own points of view. I’ll let you review the article to develop your own opinions.
“Sculpture of Homeless Jesus Sparks Controversy” how art fits into the larger scheme of religious org’s &at what cost
Beyond the pain of seeing the death of yet another brick and mortar bookstore, is it right to hasten the demise of a business in an architecturally historic building in order to tear it down for big money modern condos?
“The Last Gasps of Rizzoli Bookstore” “greed=the destruction of our architectural heritage”
I retweeted this graphic as a reminder of recommended sizes for Facebook pics (banners, profile pics, album uploads, etc.).
RT @abstanfield: All Facebook Image Dimensions: Timeline, Posts, Ads [Infographic] – Jon Loomer Digital
As a non-MFA artist, I would (of course) argue that art schools are not necessarily to best way to learn.
RT @ArtsyShark: Are Art Schools the best way to learn?
100 Years of Solitude is one of my favorite books. When I heard of the death of the author this week, I realized that I have missed out on all of his other works (although I’m fairly certain I’ve also read Love in the Time of Cholera).
“Gabriel García Márquez, Conjurer of Literary Magic, Dies at 87” author of 100 Yrs of Solitude
My mom, who is an impressionist painter, and I have talked many times over the years about the problems with donating your artwork. This blog post by Kate Vrijmoet covers all the reasons why it isn’t a good idea.
RT @abstanfield: The broader economic implications of donating your art via @katevrijmoet
I’ve seen work by this Russian photographer before — the pictures that she takes of her children are truly special.
Elena Shumilova – Russian Mother Takes Amazing Portraits of Her Two Kids with Animals