Posts tagged failure

0It’s been an exciting week. I started on a new albeit small piece for a special exhibit and I had the opening reception for Georgia Artists here in Atlanta at which I was graced with a first place ribbon. Don’t blink — life can get fast. I just need to remember that while I am isolated in my studio during the week with little human contact except on the computer.
Here I present my weekly Twitter tweets. If you would rather follow me in real time, I’m @vsgreaves. You can find icons for my Facebook Page and Twitter account in the upper right above the menu.
I love Elizabeth Gilbert — she wrote Eat Pray Love — and in this TED talk, she discusses dealing with success and failure and how to recover from both of them.
Home is where you love something more than yourself. Elizabeth Gilbert: Success, failure & the drive to keep creating
It’s hard to tell from the title but Winkleman is asking why people buy art and what they as a consumer gain from that exchange. If we hope to sell them our work, it’s a good idea to know how this question is answered.
Winkleman: What job do people today hire fine art to do? “My Milkshake Brings All the Boys to the Yard”
The High Museum here in the ATL has received several million dollars of donations to use for a permanent collection space dedicated to photography.
“Atlanta’s High Museum of Art receives nearly $4 million for photography « AMA”
Inspirational photography:
RT @mymodernmet: Brooke Shaden dazzles us once again with these beautifully surreal photos …
Winkleman writes an interesting argument for equal access to an arts education, and although I take issue with his discussion of income inequality (which reeks of communism), the truth as my capitalist heart knows is that our republic has been devolving into an oligarchy and only the rich will soon be able to pursue a degree in the arts. What great art will we miss if everyone isn’t given the opportunity to create? Will we miss the next Michelangelo?
“Equal Access to an Arts Education” Art education & the economic realities of an oligarchy.
I am a huge proponent for arguing that you should fail — and if you aren’t failing you aren’t trying — and this review of the book Creativity Inc. on Pixar’s cofounder covers a discussion of what kind of strategies managers need to bring risk and ultimately big successes into their companies.
“Pixar Cofounder Ed Catmull on Failure & Why Fostering a Fearless Culture Is the Key to Groundbreaking Creative Work”
This is a quote from the article above — the review of the book on Ed Catmull, Pixar cofounder.
RT @brainpicker: “In a fear-based, failure-averse culture, [people’s] work will be derivative, not innovative.”
This is another book review from Brain Pickings — on Letters to a Young Artist — in which the author discusses the importance of self-esteem in the creation of art.
“Letters to a Young Artist: Anna Deavere Smith on Confidence and What Self-Esteem Really Means”

0It’s been a very long week here. I spent double duty in the studio in the days I was home because Tuesday and Wednesday were lost. Tuesday I spent 12 hours waiting in jury duty — and Wednesday I spent volunteering at school. The rest of the week I worked like a mad woman trying to finish another appliqué section of the piece I’m currently working on (pics coming soon).
I did find time to share articles on Twitter — this is my weekly summary. If you’d rather follow me in real time — I’m @vsgreaves — or hit the Twitter icon in the upper right hand side above the menu. The FaceBook icon next to it takes you to my Page — I post daily studio pics there.
This is a book review, full of helpful information for Creatives and anyone else that wants to live a more fulfilling life. “So I suppose the best piece of advice I could give anyone is pretty simple: get a life. A real life, not a manic pursuit of the next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house. . . . Turn off your cell phone . . . Keep still. Be present. Get a life in which you are not alone.”
“A Short Guide to a Happy Life: Anna Quindlen on Work, Joy, and How to Live Rather Than Exist” — Get a life!
Julie Zhou reminds Creatives that when we fall into “the Pit of Discomfiture,” working through it to come out the other side is the only way to truly grow.
“The Pit: Where Creatives Fall Into Despair” — “Everything is hard before it is easy.” – Goethe
This is another book review (very long) but an important “exploration of how ‘discoveries, innovations, and creative endeavors often, perhaps even only, come from uncommon ground’ and why this ‘improbable ground of creative endeavor’ is an enormous source of advantages on the path to self-actualization and fulfillment…”
“Creativity, the Gift of Failure, and the Crucial Difference Between Success and Mastery” – taking the long view
One last book review — there were several really good ones this week on Brain Pickings — this one from the author of Steal Like an Artist — his new book:
“Show Your Work: Austin Kleon on the Art of Getting Noticed” another great book review for creatives
Elizabeth Barton writes this week on her blog about the famous NYC art critics Jerry Saltz and Roberta Smith — and their feelings about how words change your interaction with art.
“Hearing Yourself Thinking, Hearing Yourself Seeing.” How words affect how we see art — good read.
I often find frustration with taking pictures of people. Many people presume that they own their image — but that isn’t entirely the case. It’s a gray area that a lot of photographers work in. Hungary has taken a stand and outlawed the practice completely — a controversial move that will generate a lot of lawsuits and create a lot of discussion about who owns the image — the person in the photograph or the person taking the photograph?
Taking Photos Without Permission is Now Illegal in Hungary, Photographers Outraged
At one time, in my youth, I was certain I would be a writer. (There — I said it.) I still consider plot scenarios in my head from time to time and may one day start writing them — and although I’m not personally a Stephen King fan, it can’t be denied that he’s one of the most successful modern writers of this century. He regularly produces a large volume of work, and in this article, gives some guidance to the frustrated writers among us.
Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules for Writers — for my writing friends — “kill your darlings”